- Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a 100% Open source game and application loader for the PS2 and PS3 units. It now supports.ISO images on HDD, Ethernet SMB shares, and USB while also maintaining compatibility with USB Advance/Extreme format. It's now the most compatible homebrew loader and it should work without ps2load or change DNASXXX.IMG tricks.
- Download OPL v0.9.4 WIP r886 PS2 OPL kini telah rilis versi terbarunya Open PS2 Loader (v0.9.4 WIP r886),dibanding OPL versi sebelumnya OPL v 0.9.4 lebih banyak bisa menjalankan game PS2 tanpa harus mengaktifkan Mode game Compabilitynya seperti Nascar rumble dan Dinasty Wariors 6 langsung jalan dengan OPL versi ini dimana sebelumnya untuk.
With this tool managing your OPL game collection was never so easy!
With just some clicks you can:- fix/change iso files names
- download game cover,disc, and screen-shots (batch and per game)
- clean your art folder for unused art
- Edit Cheat Files
Latest Changelogs:
21.5 (2019-06-22):
*Fix Excel opening CSV incorrectly (Separator character)
*Convert VCD Names - Handle duplicate IDs in file name
*Fix random service connection issues (Could not find endpoint element)
*Updated translations.
Previous Updates (v21.3 - v1.0)Changelog:
21.4 (2018-12-30):
+Added the 32 characters and special characters limitation to VCDs
+Renaming VCD in bad ISOs tab will also rename the associated VMC folder
*Fixed crash reading ul.cfg file if game boot file name smaller than 8 characters
*Fixed failure to batch download art with many games
*Updated translations. Added Bulgarian
*Updated homepage url
21.3 (2018-08-12):
*Fixed crash when using OPLM without Internet connection
*Fixed error listing HDL Dump games if DMA modes enabled
*Fixed annoying message boxes with long file names
+Added support to drag & drop art OUT of OPLM Art Manager
+Added option in Batch ART Download to allow replacement of existing ART
+Added support to select VMC Size and browse existing VMC in CFG Editor
+Added a background color to the VMC file name to indicate if it exists
+Added tip to run OPLM as administrator when using HDL Dump.
*Synced translations with OneSky. Help translate here: oplmanager.oneskyapp.com
21.2 (2018-03-16):
*Changed background color of ART Report image to gray
*Fixed crash in Batch Art Share when clicking Copy LOG
*Fixed missing text in multiple places
*Updated translations
21.1 (2018-03-10):
+Added support to search for POPS folder at the root of the device
*Fixed bug in game list where a POPS game would show incorrect CHT status
*Updated translations
-Removed PS1 ID from CFG Editor and CFG files (not needed anymore)
21.0 (2018-03-07):
*Changed OPL icon created by Jay-Jay
*Changed POPS support.
Now it searches for the VCD files. Before it was the ELF files.
The VCD files should be named the same way as PS2 ISOs.
Example: SLES_014.04.Grand Theft Auto 2.VCD
+Added tool to help rename the VCDs with the game ID.
+Added support for LOGO (LGO) ART
*Minor rearrangements in the Art Manager UI
+Added option to not share art for selected games
*Fixed UI bug in the PS2 Cheat Editor
*Improved image caching system
*Fixed minor bug in Tools ISO Converter
+Added support for PS1 ART sharing
+Added button to fetch game title in the CFG Editor
-Removed the ICO/COV edit feature from the Main Window.
Please use the ART Manager to do it instead.
+Added a PS1 Cheat Editor
+Added Text equivalents of multiple CFG properties
(AspectText, DeviceText, ParentalText, PlayersText, RatingText, ScanText, VmodeText)
*Fixed OPL Simulator to properly show PS1 games
*Updated languages
*Fixed crash when deseleting a game in the game list
*Removed the auto-close of the Batch Art Share window
*Redirected all the HDL Dump debug output to a file: hdl_dump.txt
*Fixed the refresh game list in HDL mode not working
+Added the option to use other HDL Dump versions: 86,90,92.
Default is version 92
Version 86 is compatible with OPL built in HDL server
You can find the server ELF's in the lib folder.
20.0 (2016-08-03):
*Fixed crash with UL games that have nonstandard game id.
*Changed the default iso format to the old one.
*Minor GUI arrangement changes on Manage Arts interface.
*Updated languages.
*Users now are always tracked by a unique identifier--this is required to keep track of the art uploads and provide further assistance when users report bad ART or etc.
19.0 (2017-04-24):
-Removed obsolete option to download ART from OPL server.
+Warn about long game titles
+Added new OPLM default art
*Fixed more issues when using screen scaling.
*Changed the version name scheme.
*Fixed strange game id's in UL format crashing OPLM.
*Fixed fetch title from db with special characters.
18.0 (2016-12-30):
*Fixed file in use when using new iso file name format.
*Art Reports now are required to have a explanation.
*Fixed multiple issues when using screen scaling.
*Fixed a bug in ART Manager, where the art returned by the
server didn't match the current selected game.
+Added a feature that tries to emulate OPL on PC.
Requires compatible themes. One theme by Jay-Jay included.
OPL Themes can be ported easily. Uses XML for theme CFG.
+Added support to recognize POPS elf in POPS folder.
+Added support to edit CFG for POPS games.
+Added tool to install any elf to the APPS folder.
+Added support to drag cover & disc images out of OPLM.
+Added support to change between old/new iso naming format.
+Added support for game cover spine (LAB).
+Added character limit in multiple input boxes in CFG Editor.
+Added game title (from OPLM DB) to ART report window.
+Increased Game CFG version to 4.
+Added Modes setting to CFG Editor and CFG Update.
+Added Sports Genre to CFG Editor.
+Added some Cheat Devices to CFG Editor.
+Added feature to remember the main window splitter position.
+Added link to facebook and official website.
17.0 (2015-11-07):
+Added support for iso files with only game name
*Fixed incorrect game size order
*Changed system to cache hdl games
*Fixed failing to create VMC
*Updated Translations
16.0 (2015-08-31):
+Added support for locally connected PS2 HDD
+Added support to export game list to CSV file.
+Added a button to get game name from DB on bad iso's tab
+Added a ART Report function
+Added DMA Mode to CFG Editor
+Added GSM settings to CFG Editor
+Added Color background behind the Disc image
+Added more game Genres to CFG Editor
+Added more V-Mode options to CFG Editor
*Fixed Batch download failing with MANY games >500
*Fixed Batch download always downloading the backgrounds
*Fixed Batch download not remembering settings.
*Fixed Batch share start button not enabling.
*Fixed titles with >32 characters not getting detected as bad
*Fixed crash if the ISO file was invalid/corrupt
*Changed CFG Editor Region to V-Mode
*Joined USB and Normal mode
*Fixed ELPSA rating
*Fixed infinite loop if wrong OPL folder selected
15.0 (2015-06-05):
*Fixed sorting reseting when closing any of the sub window
*Fixed re-focus game list after closing a sub window
*Changed from 7Zip to .NET DiscUtils to get gameID from the ISO
*Fixed wrong title for 'Share ART' screen
*Changed Batch Art Download to download all type of ART
*Fixed again, getting the games with HDL Dump
*New server communication protocol
+New FTP file sync to PS2
+Tool to create ISOs from CD/DVD and other image files
+New Game ART Manager! Old one kept just in case.
+Support for USB Extreme/Advance (ul.cfg) games!
14.0 (2014-12-13):
*Fixed crash when renaming a game in bad iso tab..
*Fixed network mode not deleting games
*Fixed game listing performance with many games
*Added Italian and Russian translations
13.0 (2014-10-26):
*Fixed crash when using some functions without any games
*Fixed some confusion with some ratings systems
*Cleaned a lot of unused code
*Fixed a lot of bad programming
*Fixed checking invalid ART size before upload
+Added ELSPA rating
+Added support to manage games with hdl server and ftp (WIP)
+Added Chinese and French translations
12.0 (2014-07-15):
+Now multi-language
+New Language: Portuguese (pt)
+New Language: Spanish (es)
+Cheat Editor
*Added new genres to CFG Editor
*Fix error when game title had invalid characters
*Rearranged CFG Editor GUI
11.0 (2014-05-16):
+Anonymous app usage data. (can opt-out)
+ART and SCR count on status bar.
*Option to disable auto update check on startup
*Fixed CFG Editor players text size
*Fixed file-browser default file name
10.0 (2014-05-09):
*Fixed Screen-shot browser crash
9.0 (2014-05-02):
+Game Hasher MD5
*Fixed VMC wrong filename (.bin.bin)
8.0 (2014-04-29):
+Auto update checker
+Game List Order
*Batch screen-shot recode for better efficiency
*Fixed crashes ps2linux is off-line
*Removed lost button in cfg upgrade window
7.0 (2014-04-22):
*Fixed asking to create vmc when it already exists
*Fixed having to wait a moment between screen-shot upload, otherwise a error would show up
+Added batch screen-shot sharing!
6.0 (2014-04-22):
+CFG Editor!!
+VMC creator (inside cfg editor)
+Support for screen-shots!
+Filter game list
+Ability to double click a game and launch some app
+Added a handy button to open the OPL folder in windows explorer!
+Added support for my own art database
5.0 (2014-03-06):
+Batch Cover and Disc downloading!
+Cleaner for ART folder!
+Now checks if theres ART CD DVD folders on startup!
4.0 (2014-03-04):
+Cover and disk icon downloading!
+Now checks if ALL iso's file extension is .iso lowercase
3.0 (2014-03-03):
+ISO renaming!
+Now detects bad named iso's on startup!
2.0 (2014-03-01):
*Fixed crash selecting OPL folder in XP
*Fixed File=>Exit button not working
*Fixed Settings=>Set OPL folder not working
+Added global stats
+Added 'Type' column to game list
1.0 (2014-03-01):
*First release
CoolROM.com's PS2 ROMs section. Browse: Top ROMs - By Letter - By Genre. Mobile optimized.
Dragon age inquisition digital copy paste. Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a PS2 homebrew allowing the loading of PS2 backups either from the internal HDD (PHAT PS2 only), external USB devices, or a from a SAMBA network share.
There two versions of OPL:
- Vanilla:https://github.com/ifcaro/Open-PS2-Loader (releases on GitHub)
- Daily buildshttps://github.com/Jay-Jay-OPL/OPL-Daily-Builds (releases on ps2-home.com)
Daily builds comes with lots more ricing, and experimental patches that may not end up in Vanilla. However daily builds seems to work better on some titles (Crunk's favourite did not load correctly on Vanilla).
Last but not least, OPL is shipped with several options: the Virtual MemoryCard (VMC) that you can use to have save files stored on HDD or external USB device instead of the the PS2 MemoryCards; the PS2 remote debugger (PS2rd), a software used to debug commercial PS2 games remotely over Ethernet; and Graphics Synthesizer Mode Selector (GSM), a tool to change the PS2 native video modes. With Daily Builds you get more stuff as well.
Download Free Source: developers.google.com. Google has developed its own chrome.storage api that every chrome extension has a manifest file called manifest.json which describes the app and provides important this would allow a user to access. Why Chrome Extensions Need Permissions Chrome extensions use permissions to tell you exactly what data they're accessing on web sites you visit. Extensions have 10 different permissions ranging. Chrome: By default, Chrome will automatically place every file you download into your Downloads folder. If you'd rather choose where to put files, hit this toggle in Chrome's settings.
- 1Setup
- 2Load backups from external USB device
- a working Free MC Boot installation!
- a copy of the latest OPL daily builds from http://www.ps2-home.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3
- a USB key
Installation of OPL in FMCB
- mount USB key
- get OPL and unzip it
- rename and move as OPL the OPL version you want to use (in this example, we chose the version that is shipped with everything)
- unmount the key
CoolROM.com's PS2 ROMs section. Browse: Top ROMs - By Letter - By Genre. Mobile optimized.
Dragon age inquisition digital copy paste. Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a PS2 homebrew allowing the loading of PS2 backups either from the internal HDD (PHAT PS2 only), external USB devices, or a from a SAMBA network share.
There two versions of OPL:
- Vanilla:https://github.com/ifcaro/Open-PS2-Loader (releases on GitHub)
- Daily buildshttps://github.com/Jay-Jay-OPL/OPL-Daily-Builds (releases on ps2-home.com)
Daily builds comes with lots more ricing, and experimental patches that may not end up in Vanilla. However daily builds seems to work better on some titles (Crunk's favourite did not load correctly on Vanilla).
Last but not least, OPL is shipped with several options: the Virtual MemoryCard (VMC) that you can use to have save files stored on HDD or external USB device instead of the the PS2 MemoryCards; the PS2 remote debugger (PS2rd), a software used to debug commercial PS2 games remotely over Ethernet; and Graphics Synthesizer Mode Selector (GSM), a tool to change the PS2 native video modes. With Daily Builds you get more stuff as well.
Download Free Source: developers.google.com. Google has developed its own chrome.storage api that every chrome extension has a manifest file called manifest.json which describes the app and provides important this would allow a user to access. Why Chrome Extensions Need Permissions Chrome extensions use permissions to tell you exactly what data they're accessing on web sites you visit. Extensions have 10 different permissions ranging. Chrome: By default, Chrome will automatically place every file you download into your Downloads folder. If you'd rather choose where to put files, hit this toggle in Chrome's settings.
- 1Setup
- 2Load backups from external USB device
- a working Free MC Boot installation!
- a copy of the latest OPL daily builds from http://www.ps2-home.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3
- a USB key
Installation of OPL in FMCB
- mount USB key
- get OPL and unzip it
- rename and move as OPL the OPL version you want to use (in this example, we chose the version that is shipped with everything)
- unmount the key
- plug key into PS2
- boot the PS2 and enter uLaunchELF (uLE)
- Navigate to the USB key mapped as
- Select the
folder - Copy it via the
menu - Navigate back to the root of the memory card, either
- Paste the folder via the
menu - Turn off PS2, and take the key out
- Boot PS2 and enter the FMCB Confugurator
- Go to
Configure OSDSYS options..
- Move to
Configure Item 1
and go to the right/left to find an empty entry, and select it - For
, putOPL
or whatever you like - For
, browse your memory card, eithermc0:/
, and find the folder with OPL and select the OPL binary, in this example, it'sOPNPS2LD.ELF
, if that was from Vanilla, you would have something likeOPL 0.9.x (OPTIONS).ELF
. - Return to the main FMCB Configurator menu and choose
Save CNF to MC0
orSave CNF to MC1
- You can restart FMCB
Load backups from external USB device
Prepare the device
- Partition the device as Win95 FAT32 if less than 8GB or Win95 FAT32 LBA if larger than 8GB, with your favourite tool (fdisk, gdisk, etc)
- Format the target USB device as FAT 32
- Plug the target USB device , and mount it
Installing PS2 CD bin/cue files
- Create directory for CD if not present yet
- Install
, the CD image format conversion tool
- Unpack the bin/cue files (optional)
- Convert the backup from bin/cue to iso/cdr to the
Installing PS2 DVD ISO files smaller than 4GB
Opl Manager Ps2 Download
- Create directory for DVD if not present yet, otherwise OPL won't see your files
Opl Ps2 Download
- Copy the ISO file in the
Installing PS2 DVD ISO files larger than 4GB
Open Loader Ps2 Last Update
TEMP: Use USBUtil 2.2, need to provide feature in ps2deep4u